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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 16:58:02 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #58
To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Info-Mac Digest Mon, 15 Mar 93 Volume 11 : Issue 58
Today's Topics:
[*] America Online Download Manager Assistant
[*] AT&T DataPort 14.4K Report
[*] AutoLock 1.3.1
[*] BBEdit Extensions (Insert Column & Spaces to Tabs)
[*] BeyondmididemoV2.3.txt ...for 00index.txt area in mac/sound/midi
[*] bolo-map-editor-100.hqx
[*] Deconstructor 1.1
[*] Default Folder 2.31 submission
[*] Dialog View 1.0.4
[*] DiskDup+ 2.11
[*] FileMaker_Pro_Contacts+2.02.hqx
[*] IconFamilyMaker22.cpt.hqx
[*] Mac & IBM Compare-Version 1.5
[*] mac-grid-10.hqx
[*] Mac MPEG viewer 0.15
[*] Minitel/Mac
[*] NewQuickB.PROC for WhiteKnight (not really new) submission
[*] New version of /info-mac/report/mac-tcp-info.txt
[*] pb-battery-voltage-13.hqx
[*] QuickB DA V1.0 (Dec. 4, 1990) submission
[*] Re: After Dark FAQ 0.2 submission
[*] Reference Link 1.1
[*] sniff 1.0.1.sit.hqx
[*] Stevie.Ray.Startup
[*] Text Editor Patches 1.2.5
[*] THINK C Gamma Fade Library v1.1
[*] Upload
Access PC
An open letter to John Norstad
asedit - A powerful Mac-X compatible editor for Unix by Andrzej
Bliss Interactive Technologies/Resource Navigator?
Can I get mail order by email (A)
Centris built-in Ethernet connection (Q)
Communications Package with Recording Capabilities (Q)
Compatibility CDEV (A)
Controlling Paragraph placing in Word (A)
Controlling Paragraph placing in Word (R)
Copyright problem
Disappearing font in IIg?
Diskcopy (2 msgs)
Disklight & HP DeskwriterC 500 Conflict (Q)
drag & drop unbinhexer?
E Mail order
error -192 on PB180
finding a mac person on CompuServe...
FTP Site for Prograph
Grey-Scale Print driver for Personal Laserwriter LS (Q)
IIfx too slow (Q)
IIsi accelerators?
II vx >> Centris 650
Info on GCC SelectPress 600 Printer
Integrated Software (C)
Intolerably slow HP DeskWriter printing in Texture (A)
LCIII upgrade or LC+accelerater ? (Q)
Looking for Lists
no way for macros in Word 5.x?
Pathworks compatible with System 7.1 ? (Q)
Paw-paw problems (C)
printing problems
Problems with DART
RE Paw-paw After Dark module
SE/Ethernet/Telnet Problems (A)
Start up problems (Q)
Swiss Army Knife Awards
ThoughtPattern/Bananafish (Q)
translators for Apple File Exchange (Q)
Turbo Pascal 1.1
Voice mail for mac
Western-style font (R)
Worldscript 1 & 2
WriteNow sold to Wordstar
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1993 11:24:55 -0600
From: DAVE@GERGA.TAMU.EDU (Dave Martin)
Subject: [*] America Online Download Manager Assistant
America Online Download Manager Assistant (AOL DM Assist) 1.0b6
<Even though this utility is only useful to members of America Online,
I figured I'd go ahead and upload it on the Internet as well (so that
people can get it a bit easier, and with less cost :). It can be found
on AOL in the Mac Utilities forum, in the Applications 2 library (new
versions will be uploaded to AOL MUT quite in advance of appearing on
the Internet, so check MUT New Files for them).>
This is AOL DM Assist, an unofficial External Tool for use with the America
Online 2.0 software for the Mac. AOL DM Assist is a utility which provides
many features lacking in the Download Manager. It does not replace DM, it
enhances it & complements it. Many of these features are ones that I hope
to see AOL add to the DM in later releases of the File Transfer Tool. Until
then, I've created this. It does not modify, in any way, the America Online
program or any of its Tools, nor does it affect the operation of the AOL
software. The only AOL-related file which this program affects is the
Mailbox files (as selected by the user).
Primarily, AOL DM Assist allows you to manipulate the files in your
Download Manager queues. You can move files up or down in the list to
change the order that they are downloaded. You can easily delete multiple
entries (DM can only delete one entry at a time--try clearing 100 entries
>From your Completed Downloads queue that way ;). I also added a "Holding
Queue", so that you can hide entries from the DM to prevent them from being
transferred during a FlashSession while still retaining the file info for
later transfer. You can also reset any file to an untransferred state. Note
that all this must be done while offline and while not running the AOL
software. The AOL DM Assist package also contains ResEdit TMPL's for
editing the file queue resources.
America Online Download Manager Assistant is free (all I ask is that you
send me email with your comments--positive and/or negative--on my little
utility, or suggestions for features that you would like to see in AOL's
Download Manager), though you may send cash if you feel it has saved you
>From headaches that the DM alone would have caused--I promise I won't stop
you <grin>.
I am considering writing a similar "External Tool" for improving the mail
interface of AOL--better address lists, multiple "folders" for filing
incoming messages based on subject/source/etc., easier message deletion,
and so forth. This presumes that AOL does not make such improvements
themselves in the near future. If there is something that you would like to
see as far as improvements to AOL's mail or download interface, let me know
and I'll consider them.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/aol-dm-assist.hqx; 51K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 22:31:40 CST
From: ehfm@midway.uchicago.edu (Eric Hoffmann)
Subject: [*] AT&T DataPort 14.4K Report
The AT&T DataPort 14.4K modem has generated a lot of interest on the
newsgroup comp.dcom.modems. An external model of this modem with Class 1
fax capability (including cable and QuickLink II fax software, yech!) is
being advertised in MacWeek (3-08-93) for $299. The offer is only good
through April 30, 1993. If you qualify under the Sysop program, your price
drops to $222. In response to the question recently posted to info-mac, I
sent one reply but thought that it would make more sense to summarize the
postings on comp.dcom.modems and prepare a report on this modem.
I have clipped responses from the following people on comp.dcom.modems
[Archived as /info-mac/report/att-dataport-144-modem.txt; 24K]
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 93 23:53:09 EST
From: J S Greenfield <greeny@top.cis.syr.edu>
Subject: [*] AutoLock 1.3.1
Application: AutoLock 1.3.1
(Shareware: $10)
AutoLock is a small application intended to alleviate some problems
associated with running children's applications (games, etc.) under the
System 7 Finder. AutoLock can help to prevent small children from
accidentally sending a game to the background. In addition, AutoLock
can salvage many old (but good!) games that are virtually impossible
to use under System 7.
Many existing children's applications were designed to run under
Finder, rather than under MultiFinder. As most parents already know,
running these programs under MultiFinder allows a child to
accidentally send the application into the background, usually by
inadvertently clicking the mouse outside of the application window. In
the old days, this problem could be avoided by moving the system
back to Finder mode. For users of System 7, however, this alternative
is no longer available, since the system runs in a permanent
MultiFinder-type mode.
Furthermore, unlike the System 6 MultiFinder, the System 7 Finder
moves to the foreground whenever the mouse is clicked anywhere on
the desktop. As a result, even recent children's applications can be
accidentally sent to the background by an inadvertent click of the
mouse. For small children, this can be a serious problem.
AutoLock solves this problem, by terminating the Finder and locking a
single application into the foreground.
AutoLock includes a small extension, LockSmith which can be used to
create AutoLock aliases that launch and automatically lock
applications. Using an AutoLock alias, launching and automatically
locking an application is as easy as conventional launching.
Changes from version 1.3:
AutoLock 1.3.1 fixes an error that caused version 1.3 to crash on
machines without Color QuickDraw.
Changes from version 1.2:
AutoLock 1.3 now:
-- provides a Shell Mode, which allows a child to easily start a new
application after quitting another one.
-- provides a sound menu and a monitor menu to facilitate the
adjustment of sound and monitor settings while an application is
-- allows sound and monitor settings to be installed into AutoLock
aliases, for automatic adjustment of those setting every time
an alias is launched.
-- AutoLock now allows you to re-target or delete outdated aliases that
no longer point to a valid target.
[Archived as /info-mac/util/auto-lock-131.hqx; 59K]
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1993 15:35:07 -0800
From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora)
Subject: [*] BBEdit Extensions (Insert Column & Spaces to Tabs)
This is an update to the two extensions that I posted earlier.
(a bug in Spaces to tabs)
Please replace the ones in the archives with this file. I'm including sources
for the two extensions also.
In keeping with the other extensions, these are freeware so enjoy.
Here are two extensions for BBEdit that I needed for processing some
mainframe data for importing into a database.
"Insert Column" puts a tab at the current insertion point in every line of the
"Spaces to tabs" replaces all spaces with a tab character.
I don't know where to send the source to, so I just upload these as is.
After being spoiled by using McSink, I won't be truly happy with bbedit
until it contains all the features of Mcsink. :-)
Two down, two dozen more to go...
Matthew Xavier Mora
[Archived as /info-mac/app/bbedit-space-tab-extensions.hqx; 113K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1993 14:59:02 -0400 (AST)
From: TSANDESON@mta.ca
Subject: [*] BeyondmididemoV2.3.txt ...for 00index.txt area in mac/sound/midi
To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu
X-Vmsmail-To: MX%"macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu"
Resent-To: info-mac@sumex-aim
Resent-Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 15:34:44 PST
Resent-From: Backup Moderator <backmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>
Hello, this version will replace all other versions of Beyond Midi Demo
that were at this site. I am not the author of this program, just a person who
has used this demo and found it very easy to understand as well as being
excellently written. I do not own a MIDI or a keyboard but have been
in programs that allow you to use the macs internal sound board to create
music. This is the first program that I have been truly impressed with enough
brag about it and show my support for it. The demo uses the macs interenal
sound channels to play midi sequences on it using the given set of instruments
that are included with the demo (The full version of course will be better
supported and with a manual). Although there is not a brief user manual
included it shouldn't be too hard to figure out once you open it up. For those
of you who do download this demo I should point out that it will stop after
10-15 minutes. WHY? Because it's a demo! The following text is a list of
improvements over the other versions that had been released, as well as bug
It looks like a publisher will be buying Beyond and it will be sold
beginning in 1993 for about $200. The final contract negotiations are
concluding. In the meantime updates and orders should be addressed to:
Jeremy Sagan
25 Avon St. Apt. C
Cambridge, Ma. 02138
You can also reach me for pricing or general questions on
America On Line. My screen name is JermBey.
Recent Changes:
1.) Full Color support greatly enhanced.
a.) now fully supports multiple monitors. If there is not enough
for off screen color then off screen black & white is used.
b.) New color controls in dialogs.
2.) Velocity scale from % to %.
3.) Change ports dialog. This functions allows you to change all ports in a
given document. If your source or destination port uses the midi time piece
then you must specify midi time piece in the midi setup dialog before using
this function.
4.) Tap Tempo dialog.
5.) MIDI monitor Dialog.
6.) Enhanced MIDI Manager Support for internal connection. Now support beat
7.) New remote control window. If 'controller' is specified as a source event
then an instrument may be assigned as a destination. This allows you to
control your instrument volume or other controller using a remote mixing
8.) Preferences dialog.
9.) Scrubbing in the note editor.
10.) Enhanced syncing
a.) MIDI Clock sync
b.) MIDI time code
11.) Section Event editor.
Allows editing of Key Signatures, Time signatures and Tempos in an
event oriented way.
12.) 32 bit clean.
a.) System 7 compatible. running in Virtual memory not yet supported.
13.) Snapshot in instruments window.
14.) Solo and Mute instruments.
15.) Numerous bug fixes.
a.) Including major fix for when tracks we're over 64k in length.
16.) Color picture of author after 10 seconds in about box.
17.) Pan in the instruments window. This is a rotary dial that allows you to
send/record pan information to synths that support it.
18.) Layering up to 8 channels is now supported from the instruments window.
Just click on the instruments primary channel and a new dialog pops up that
allows you to set up to 8 different channels of layering.
19.) Added Sample support with the Mac Setup dialog box. This allows you to
use your Mac as a synthesizer for simple melodies or sound effects. Place any
sound you like either in the system folder or in the file 'BeySounds' and
they will be accessible in this dialog. On slower computers you can only
play one sound at a time. When playing multiple sounds simultaneously on
faster computers you will notice timing fluctuations (when using VIA timer in
preferences) and sometimes pops and crackles (although this is mostly
eliminated when MIDI Manager or Time Manager is in use). Heavy use of
background tasks or INIT's that use interrupts heavily, is discouraged.
Also, System 6.07 or greater is recommended because it contains the enhanced
sound manager. Beyond uses a technique in real time to discover if the
machine has enough processor power to continue playing. In some cases, this
may cause Beyond to stop playing notes. The easiest way to avoid this, is to
leave Beyond as the foreground application and just let it play without
pulling menus or dragging the thumbs of scrollbars. Currently Beyond's
internal MIDI interpretation engine only recognizes NoteOn and NoteOff
Commands (channels 9-16 are mapped to channels 1-8), and All notes off
command. All others are ignored although future enhancements may include
PitchBend,Volume control, Modulation, Sustain pedal, etc.,.The internal
metronome now uses the Beyond's internal MIDI interpretation engine, so in
order to use it, you must install a sound in a given channel and then set the
metronome to use the internal channel corresponding to that sound. Beyond's
Sound Engine is completely compatible with the sound manager, However
programs like sound master, when used in conjunction, eat up all the sound
channels and will not let sounds be played in other applications. Therefore
use of sound master with beyond is not recommended, although this problem is
minor. Scrubbing is partially supported by only one note at a time.
20. Fixed a bug that caused a crash when notes of a duration greater than
65535 we're recorded either directly or imported in a MIDI file. Also, long
notes (>65535) we're not recorded properly in MIDI files.
21. Fixed a bug that caused a crash when controller's we're played using
layers that I inadvertently introduced when I added Time Manager Support.
22. Fixed a bug that caused a crash when you went to the MIDI monitor
without any memory.
23. Extract Program Names
Allows you to use sysex dumps to inform beyond of you current program
names for your devices. Right now each port can have a list of program
This will be changed later to allow you to assign particular channels on a
given port to program names. For the time being this means that all channels
1-16, say on the Modem port, will be assigned the same names. This new dialog
allows you to extract programs from the currently selected track. It assigns
the names to the currently selected tracks' port.
A giant popup menu allows you to select programs from the Note editor,
List Editor and Instruments window. Supported devices as of are:
1) Korg M1
2) Roland D110
3) Yamaha DX21
4) Proteus (Not Completely Tested)
If you have sysex information for a device that you want me to support
please send to:
Jeremy Sagan
25 Avon St. Apt. C
Cambridge, Ma. 02138
Devices are stored in a separate Resource File called 'BeyDevices'.
The Program Names are saved when you save preferences and are loaded when you
start the program.
[Archived as /info-mac/demo/beyond-midi-23.hqx; 501K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 14:21:08 -0500
From: Tom Barrett <barrett@pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: [*] bolo-map-editor-100.hqx
BoloMapEditor 1.0
13 March 93
Color Bolo-like graphics. Much better (faster) printing. Color
[Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo-map-editor-100.hqx; 48K]
Date: 13 Mar 93 17:48:23 AST
From: "Mike McKay" <880840M@axe.acadiau.ca>
Subject: [*] Deconstructor 1.1
With Deconstructor you can make words, languages, secrets, and
nonsense. Similar to Dissociated Press, Deconstructor parses text
files and recreates them as mind-twisting essays, alien languages,
alternative vocabularies, and steganographically impressed secret
messages. Or, you can generate unlimited quantities of Mock Swedish.
Deconstructor is postcardware from Lloyd Burchill.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/deconstructor-11.hqx; 55K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1993 00:13:59 -0500
From: gotow@ansoft.com (Jon Gotow)
Subject: [*] Default Folder 2.31 submission
Following is a submission of Default Folder 2.31. It should replace any
previous versions in the archives.
This version fixes a few bugs:
- Prompts were scrambled in the new System 7 StandardPutFile() file dialogs.
- Address errors on 68000 based if the prefs file didn't exist.
- Import didn't understand pathnames containing only a volume name.
Default Folder is a control panel that lets you "link" a default folder to
any application or desk accessory. When you launch a desk accessory or a
linked application by itself (ie. not by double clicking on a document),
Default Folder sets things up so the file dialog boxes initially open in
your default folder.
Default Folder can also provide pop-up menus in the file dialog box to
allow you to switch between folders and between volumes. The folder menu
allows access to:
1) The current application or desk accessory's default folder.
2) Any one of the last 10 folders you used.
3) One of a reserved set of folders "locked" in the menu.
The volume menu allows instant switching to any available volume. It also
provides "smart volume switching." Default Folder remembers the last
folder you accessed on each volume, and switches to that folder rather than
to the top of the folder hierarchy when you change disks. This works with
both the volume menu and the "Drive" button.
Default Folder is System 7 aware, has balloon help, and all that good
stuff, but will run on just about any version of the System.
[Archived as /info-mac/cp/default-folder-231.hqx; 123K]
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 16:46:38 EST
From: walkerj@milo.math.scarolina.edu (Jim Walker)
Subject: [*] Dialog View 1.0.4
Dialog View (formerly List Font) is a control panel that allows you to
change the font and size used in directory dialog file lists, and display
the real icons of files in such lists. It requires System 7. If you use it
together with my Open-wide program (version 3.3 or later for best results),
you will be able to use larger fonts without cramping the list. Compatible
with Super Boomerang 4.0.1, not compatible with Norton's Directory
New in 1.0.4: Some icons are cached, to reduce disk activity.
[Archived as /info-mac/cp/dialog-view-104.hqx; 26K]
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 10:05:36 -0500
From: rarcuri@itsmail1.hamilton.edu (Russ Arcuri)
Subject: [*] DiskDup+ 2.11
Hello all,
DiskDup+ 2.11 was recently added to the archives. I was going to download
it when I realized that the version I have been using for the past few
months is version 2.14... I would upload this version to replace 2.11, but
I'm sure there must be a newer one in existence... Roger Bates tends to
update this program quite frequently.
Russ Arcuri
Date: 15 Mar 93 10:43:01 U
From: "Andrew Lee" <andrew_lee@macmail.bu.oz.au>
Subject: [*] FileMaker_Pro_Contacts+2.02.hqx
(c)1992,1993 Andrew Lee, All rights reserved.
Read Me
CONTACTS+ is a shareware Filemaker Pro (version 1.x) database. It's main
purpose is to allow proper address details to appear (even when some
of the address are omitted such as the organization, country etc...) in
Microsoft Word print-merge documents. Other than that, you should find that
CONTACTS+ is just about as powerful and usable as any other `commercial'
Contacts database/manager.
When exporting print-merge data, the FullAddress field would replace all
the individual fields that make up the receipient's address. You should also
export the title, firstname and lastname fields, to be used in the greeting
line, ie Dear [title] [firstname] [lastname]... Other fields do not have to be
Plea: If you feel that CONTACTS+ has some useful value, or use it for any
purpose, or want to encourage ME to improve CONTACTS+ and develop other
`affordable & useful' databases, PLEASE send me an international money order
cheque (or cash) made payable to: Andrew Lee, for ANY amount that you find
appropriate. If you pay your shareware contribution, you will receive a
PASSWORD to enable you to MODIFY LAYOUTS and DELETE records. All suggestions
for improvements are welcomed.
Please do not distribute Contacts+ without all the original materials,
especially this file. Contacts+ is not for commercial re-sale without my
knowledge and permission. Please inform me if you decide to place Contacts+
onto shareware CD-roms, disks etc...
Andrew Lee
School of Information and Computing Sciences
Internet: andrew_lee@macmail.bu.oz.au
fax: 61 75 953320 (international)
[Archived as /info-mac/app/filemaker-pro-contacts-202.hqx; 76K]
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1993 19:02:57 -0500
From: "Scott E. Lasley" <lasleyse@wam.umd.edu>
Subject: [*] IconFamilyMaker22.cpt.hqx
Icon Family Maker (formerly Explode Cicns) is a program that will
allow you to create ICN#, ics#, icl8, ics8, icl4, ics4, cicn, and
PICT resources from a cicn or icl8 resource. Version 2.2 improves
icl8 handling, adds the ablility to select dithering of ics8 and
ics4 resources, adds the ability to create PICT resources, and
fixes a few bugs.
[Archived as /info-mac/util/icon-family-maker-22.hqx; 120K]
Date: 12 Mar 93 08:27:42 EST
From: bruce grubb <72130.3557@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: [*] Mac & IBM Compare-Version 1.5
Archive name: mac-ibm-compare15.txt
category: text
This is Version 1.5 of this report and should replace mac-ibm-compare14.txt.
It contains some important changes, additions and clarifications. Due to the
rapid changes in computers I am therefore very much on the lookout for
contributions from Digest and other readers to flesh out, correct or point out
confusing parts of the report. Send comments and information to CompuServe:
72130,3557; AOL: BruceG6069; or Internet: bgrubb@dante.nmsu.edu. This report
covers not only present hardware/software statistics and features but also
future possibilities. Despite its condenced and generized format it still
provides some thought-provoking reading on the relative merits, problems, and
deficiencies of Macs and IBM PCs. Here is part of the preamble for your
"The reason for this general data sheet is that people in both camps are not
clear or accurate about what they are saying about their machines and what
little accurate info is out there is unconsolidated. This sheet will try to
consolidate and condence the information out there. Since computer technology
is always changing there are always going to be points in which the sheet will
be lacking or incorrect on information. So, please just don't say the sheet
is incomplete or incorrect but also give me clear and concise information to
make the needed corrections.
To keep this data sheet organized please provide, if possible, article
citations for the information provided or corrected and keep the opinions to
a minimum. As this is a general data sheet, keep the info provided simple so
I can understand what is being talked about and can explain it to others.
Finally, keep the information relevant to the section corrected. Thank you."
[Archived as /info-mac/report/mac-ibm-compare-15.txt; 39K]
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 13:25:33 -0500
From: "Erik Schwiebert" <evs1@crux2.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: [*] mac-grid-10.hqx
Included (i hope!!) with this message is a BinHexed archive of
MacGrid v1.0. MacGrid is a REPLACEMENT for my earler game
called MacMines v2.1, which i submitted last month. MacGrid is
actually MacMines v3.0, but I had to change the name as someone
else was already calling a program of theirs 'MacMines'. Again,
MacGrid is a simple logic game in which the player tries to find
all the hidden "mines" on a grid. Thanx, Erik Schwiebert
(please send mail to evs1@cornell.edu if there are any problems
with this message!)
[Archived as /info-mac/game/mac-grid-10.hqx; 71K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1993 16:52:18 -0500 (EST)
From: peterc@gnu.ai.mit.edu
Subject: [*] Mac MPEG viewer 0.15
Slow and buggy, but it DOES work (without sound). This will let you
view MPEG ("*.mpg") files on your Mac, so long as they're in the same
directory as the application itself. More information/documentation is
enclosed in the archive.
I am not the author.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-mpeg-015.hqx; 309K]
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1993 08:54:29 -0600
From: mlbizer@bongo.cc.utexas.edu (Marc Bizer)
Subject: [*] Minitel/Mac
Dear Moderator,
I'm enclosing what is supposedly the latest version of the minitel
emulator for the Mac. It is freeware.
Yours truly,
Marc Bizer
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/minitel.hqx; 236K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 02:55:33 CST
From: C526141@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu
Subject: [*] NewQuickB.PROC for WhiteKnight (not really new) submission
This is not a really new QuickB.PROC RCMD module but this module is
really called NewQuickB.PROC. What happens is that White Knight didn't
support QuickB in its internal engine. Instead, QuickB is support
through White Knight's RCMD module, which is supposed to extend WK's
ability. Before WK 11.13 coming out, there were two such modules, the
original QuickB.PROC and this NewQuickB.PROC. released by WK's author
Scott Watson. The master disk for version after 11.13 comes with
another QuickB.PROC which runs miserably slow compared to this
NewQuickB.PROC. Is there any White Knight veteran willing to explain
this to a novice like me. (How about you, Al?) Anyway, if you use White
Knight and CI$, check this out when you fill impatient about the
download speed.
[To Eric: White Knight do support QuickB protocol in an quite indirect
way but such module is included in each package of White Knight. Is
it necessary to change table 3.1.1 in C.S.M.C. Faq? Another question is
about table 3.1.2 in C.S.M.C Faq. White Knight supports terminal
emulations TTY, VT52, VT100, VT102. I haven't finish the whole manual
yet. However, it seems to me that WK doesn't support VT320 unless
some RCMD module for VT320 does exist.]
P.S. I almost forget. This file is compressed and binhexed by Compact Pro
1.33. Yes, I have both CompactPro and StuffIt Lite and I do register
them already.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/white-knight-quick-b.hqx; 18K]
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1993 10:10:00 -0600
From: behr@spider.math.ilstu.edu (Eric Behr)
Subject: [*] New version of /info-mac/report/mac-tcp-info.txt
Please replace the current copy of the file
/info-mac/report/mac-tcp-info.txt with the enclosed one. Thank you.
MacTCP and related Macintosh software
revision 1.2, March 10, 1993
Copyright Eric Behr, Illinois State University, Mathematics
This document can be freely redistributed in whole or in part,
provided that this copyright notice is included intact, and that
no material profit is generated from such a transaction.
With sincere thanks to:
David N. Blank-Edelman dnb@meshugge.media.mit.edu
Steve Dorner sdorner@qualcomm.com
Patrick Hoepfner hoepfner@heasfs.gsfc.nasa.gov
Peter N. Lewis peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au
David S. Saunders dave@intercon.com
as well as to several contributors to Usenet newsgroups, and to
all those who sent me corrections and suggestions (but I'm the
sole author of all mistakes, omissions and inanities)
Please send all comments and suggestions to behr@math.ilstu.edu or
to ejbehr@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu. The newest version of these notes
can be obtained by anonymous ftp to spider.math.ilstu.edu, or (file /pub/mac/mac-tcp.txt), or from a gopher server
on the same computer (directory "Various documents").
Changes from revision 1.1:
- generally brought the document in sync with MacTCP 1.1.1
- dropped remarks applicable specifically to MacTCP 1.0
- changed the paragraph about MacTCP being bundled with certain
free applications
- changed the description of "disappearing LLAP icon" problem
- mentioned apparent conflict with Super ATM
- Telnet 2.5+ now uses MacTCP or internal drivers
- modified description of LeeMail somewhat
- added separate section on gopher
- mentioned ircle, motd, tardis, hytelnet, archie
- added Webster's e-mail address and US phone
- updated the list of software on sumex
- mentioned DiskCopy
- mentioned Mac PPP, CCL and Calypso
- added pointer to SLIP info on ftp.bio.indiana.edu
[Archived as /info-mac/report/mac-tcp-info-12.txt; 68K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 05:38:05 PST
From: lza@ulysses.caltech.edu (Lawrence Anthony)
Subject: [*] pb-battery-voltage-13.hqx
dear info-mac moderators
Re: pb-battery-voltage-13.hqx (Volts version 1.3)
please deposit the following in the info-mac archives in the
directory util under the filename pb-battery-voltage-13.hqx.
this replaces the older util/pb-battery-voltage-111.hqx.
thanks in advance.
lawrence anthony
Attn: Volts Users
Re: pb-battery-voltage.hqx (Volts) version 1.3
I am enclosing version 1.3 of Volts. This latest version of
Volts is functionally similar to version 1.2b1 and has the
following features, among others:
digital display of battery voltage,
alternate bar meter indicator of voltage level,
estimated remaining time of battery charge,
ability to auto-calibrate battery usage,
display window with 3 zoom states,
pictorial status indicators for battery charger,
CPU clock speed, and
chart of recent history of voltage level.
Please reread the manual pages for all the details, especially
on how to calibrate your powerbook battery. Some of the battery
status indicators have changed since version 1.1.1.
Volts is a shareware product. If you use it, please send your
shareware payment of US$5 to:
Lawrence Anthony
Keck Laboratories
Caltech 138-78
Pasadena, CA 91125
U. S. A.
Please include your e-mail address with your payment so that you
can be sent future updates and beta releases. Thanks once again
to those of you who have already sent in your shareware
Lawrence Anthony
[Archived as /info-mac/util/pb-battery-voltage-12.hqx; 67K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 02:09:44 CST
From: C526141@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu
Subject: [*] QuickB DA V1.0 (Dec. 4, 1990) submission
This may look like an ancient piece. However, I still upload it to Info-Mac
in case some people might need it. It was compressed by StuffIt and also
binhexed. I don't know which version of StuffIt it was used except it is
old enough to crash StuffIt Lite 3.0.4. Be careful if you insist to use
such version of StuffIt to decompress and debinhex it. The following
information is extracted from its ReadMe file. Since the address is very
old, you may need to contact Aladdin System Inc. to make sure your check,
letters, inquire, etc. doesn't go to the wrong place. I got it from CI$
Mac Comm Forum. Where else do you expect?
QuickB DA
------ --
Forest Hills, N. Y. 11375-5133
v.1.0 of Dec. 4, 1990.
QuickB Desk Accessory was written by Raymond Lau.
Copyright 1988,89, Raymond Lau.
QuickB Download is shareware. Try it a few times. If you like it, find
it useful, or save some money off your CompuServe bills, please register
it by sending $15 to the author:
Raymond Lau
100-04 70 Ave.
Forest Hills, N. Y. 11375-5133
U. S. A.
(Note: Registered QuickB Download users need not re-register.)
QuickB DA is a desk accessory written for the CompuServe user who uploads and
downloads frequently. QuickB is a new protocol which allows for significant
speed gains and time savings when up/downloading from CompuServe. While some
telecom programs are starting to support the QuickB protocol, many others
do not. With QuickB DA, you can take advantage of this protocol from within
these telecommunications programs.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/quick-b.hqx; 22K]
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 10:09:49 GMT
From: L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk
Subject: [*] Re: After Dark FAQ 0.2 submission
Here's an update of the FAQ. Should replace v0.1 in the util/ad directory.
Lloyd Wood
COMP.SYS.MAC FAQ: After Dark answers
Version: 0.2
Last modified: Friday, March 12, 1992
Copyright (C) 1993, Lloyd Wood,
L.H.Wood@uk.ac.lut (JANET) L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk
In reverse-chronological order:
0.2 - 12 March 1993
Added Paw-Paw problems. Mentioned Virex-D. Altered DarkSide information.
Corrected minor factual and attribution errors. Tidied up format.
0.1 - 1 March 1993
Initial release.
[Archived as /info-mac/util/ad/ad-faq-02.txt; 28K]
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 14:34:18 EST
From: walkerj@milo.math.scarolina.edu (Jim Walker)
Subject: [*] Reference Link 1.1
Reference Link is an INIT that makes THINK Reference 2.0
easier to use if you have System 7. With Reference Link
installed, you can do a modified double-click on a word in
a text editor or word processor, whereupon the word will be
looked up in THINK Reference 2.0. Alternately, you can
first select a word or phrase, and then type a certain
keystroke, and the selected text will be looked up in THINK
Reference. Use that keystroke again to jump back to the editor.
Freeware by James W. Walker.
Version 1.1 now works right with the Alpha editor, and uses the same
keystroke for look-up and jump-back.
[Archived as /info-mac/ex/reference-link-11.hqx; 11K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 12:58:02 EST
From: awk@pro-charlotte.cts.com (Alex Kourakos)
Subject: [*] sniff 1.0.1.sit.hqx
Okay folks, here it is...
sniff(tm) 1.0.1 by Timothy Miller.
This version fixes some quirks from the previous beta
version that was floating around.
In case you don't know, sniff is the world-famous INIT,
found in several collections of annoying and useless programs
for the Macintosh, which gives your Macintosh a cold. Just drop
it in your (or even better, someone else's) System folder, and
the Mac will begin to innocently sniff and clear it's throat
every now and then. Great practical joke for your MacFriends,
and I've seen people go insane with it on their Macs. If you
are so inclined, you can replace the sound resources with
your own sounds.
Runs on all Macintoshes and all system versions.
Download this great little program! The author requests
either the shareware fee or a postcard.
Packed with StuffIt Lite...
[Archived as /info-mac/ex/sniff-101.hqx; 34K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1993 23:22:18 -0600
From: Arvid Burns <aburns@plains.NoDak.edu>
Subject: [*] Stevie.Ray.Startup
This is a Stevie Ray Vaughan startup screen.
Montage of concert and appearance shots.
640x480 16-bit color.
(Permission to be included on CD granted)
[Archived as /info-mac/art/stevie-ray-vaughan-startup.hqx; 447K]
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 14:35:58 EST
From: walkerj@milo.math.scarolina.edu (Jim Walker)
Subject: [*] Text Editor Patches 1.2.5
This patcher can add several features to text editors such as BBEdit and the
THINK C editor:
* A simple form of word wrapping.
* Type parentheses, brackets and braces in matched pairs.
* Same for dollar signs (for TeX typing.)
* Control-double-click on the name of a toolbox routine, and THINK Reference
1.0 will come to the fore and show the page documenting that routine. (This
one requires System 7, and of course it requires that you have THINK
Reference.) Not for use with THINK Reference 2.0.
* Change the default font of ASLEdit+.
Not compatible with PopUpFuncs.
V. 1.2.3 fixes a conflict with System 7.1.
V. 1.2.4 fixes the "pair $$" feature.
V. 1.2.5 fixes the pairs feature when used with non-US keyboard layouts.
This is a StuffIt 3.0 archive.
[Archived as /info-mac/ex/text-editor-patches-125.hqx; 18K]
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 11:19:05 -0500
From: Matt Slot <fprefect@engin.umich.edu>
Subject: [*] THINK C Gamma Fade Library v1.1
This is an update to an earlier posting of the same library, consisting
mainly of bug fixes and documentation updates.
Description: To do smooth fade in/out on Mac II machines, you can use
the enclosed library routines to adjust the color correction (gamma)
table of the connected monitors. These routines are programmer friendly,
and should run on any Mac II or later machine, under both system 7
and system 6. Enclosed is also a quick demo application.
If you have any questions or problems with this package, drop me mail. The
whole set is free to anyone interested.
Matt Slot, CAEN Mac-Systems
[Archived as /info-mac/source/c/think-c-gamma-table-11.hqx; 106K]
Date: 12 Mar 1993 15:57:43 U
From: "Winkler David" <winkler_david@msmail.muohio.edu>
Subject: [*] Upload
A really neat Gif. Colorful blobs. 640x480x256
[Archived as /info-mac/art/gif/color-blobs.hqx; 403K]
Date: 15 Mar 1993 10:57:33 -0600 (CST)
From: "Dwight Lemke @ Wisconsin Oshkosh" <LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu>
Subject: Access PC
I also am a big fan of Access PC as is John Churchill. However, I must
point out that there is ONE small problem with using AccessPC. When you
are running in Word 5 and attempt to read/write a file in WordPerfect 5.1
format on a DOS disk, you'll get some sort of crash or error. However,
you merely have to remember to drag the files to your HD first and it
no problem. Other than that, it's excellent work!
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 08:51:00 GMT
From: peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au (Peter N Lewis)
Subject: An open letter to John Norstad
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
John Norstad writes:
>In a similar vein, I once had a version of Disinfectant (never distributed
>to the public -:) which identified all Microsoft software as follows:
> This file is infected with the Bill Gates virus.
> It is beyond repair.
> You should drag it to the trash.
I want a copy! Where can I get one? Please please make this available.
I've had endless problems with Microsoft products taking up huge amounts
of space, and worse, they seem to grow bigger every year. And they're
far more dangerous than any virus that I've come across (certainly since
installing the Disinfectant INIT way back when).
John, I know you've done a lot of good work for the Mac community, but
this could definitely be your greatest achievement!
Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Ph: +61 9 368 2055
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 13:44:09 -0100
From: hewat@ill.fr
Subject: asedit - A powerful Mac-X compatible editor for Unix by Andrzej
>I find - in my rare attempts - horrible to use those character-based editors
>like VI, Ined, et similia, when doing mail with the Unix system of my Dept.
>Yes, I know, there are graphical interfaces for Unix, but most of the time
>I access it from PC without graphical emulation.
>Well: do you know it is there any editor like BBEdit? that is, an editor
>with a human interface, with some menuing, even if it is limited to
>essential functions (as I said, I'd use it mostly to write my e-mail)?
Try asedit by Andrzej Stochniol of Imperial College, London. Here is what
he says about it. I can confirm that I had no problems compiling it on an
SGI Indigo, and can run it under Mac-X. Better than Xedit, REDT etc. IMHO.
(But not as good as zip, the Indigo's own console editor, of course).
>asedit is a simple to use ASCII text editor for X built around Motif Text
>widget. It features, amongst other things,
> - Motif compliant menu interface
> - easy to use "point and click" interface
> - file selection via file selection dialog
> - line and column numbers
> - comprehensive context sensitive, hypertext on-line help
> - multiple undo and redo edit actions
> - Cut/Copy/Paste features
> - comprehensive search and replace
> - keyboard bindings for EMACS's users
> - automatic indentation for programmers
> - customization via the standard X11/Motif resources method
>I have personally built and run the program on the following systems:
> IBM RS/6000 AIX 3.1.x X11R3 Motif 1.0
> IBM RS/6000 AIX 3.2 X11R4 Motif 1.1
> SGI IRIS Indigo IRIX 4.0.x X11R4 Motif 1.1.4
> SGI IRIS Indigo IRIX 4.0.x X11R5 Motif 1.1.4
> SUN 4 SunOS 4.1.2 X11R4 Motif 1.1.4
> SUN 4 SunOS 4.1.2 X11R5 Motif 1.1.4
> DEC 5000/240 ULTRIX 4.2 X11R5 Motif 1.1.3 (with XFOCUS_BUG
>asedit is available by anonymous ftp from export.lcs.mit.edu (
>initially, and probably in due course from several other ftp sites.
>Check your nearest using xarchie.
>If you can't ftp, try sending email to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com with the
>word "help" alone in your message body. You will receive instructions
>on how to ftp via email.
Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE (hewat@ill.fr) Fax (France=33).
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 15:05:06 -0700
From: Bruce Carter <bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu>
Subject: Bliss Interactive Technologies/Resource Navigator?
Does anyone know what has become of Bliss Interactive Technologies? I was
looking for some information in an old Syllabus and accidentally ran across a
reference to a HyperCard based product they had called "Resource Navigator".
It looked fairly interesting, so I gave the listed number a call. It has been
disconnected, and directory assistance has no listing for them.
Any clues? Does anyone have a copy of Resource Navigator, and if so what do
you think of it?
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 10:40:08 -0500
From: tonyh@msc2.msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang)
Subject: Can I get mail order by email (A)
>Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1993 14:08 GMT
>From: Fergus Sullivan <FSULLIVN@vax1.tcd.ie>
>Subject: Can I get mail order by email (Q)
>Can I order software through mail order houses via email? I obviously don't
>want them to send me the products by email--FedEx is fine--I just want to
>in my order and Visa Card # via email. Has anyone any experience of this?
>Fergus Sullivan.
>Trinity College--in the heart of Sunny Dublin....
MacZone, Mac's Place and MacWarehouse all have e-mail accounts on
CompuServe (Mac's Place also has an e-mail address on AOL). MacZone and
MacWarehouse also have electronic catalogs online (type GO MZ or GO MW,
respectively). MacConnection probably doesn't have an e-mail account (I may
be wrong though).
In case you don't know, you can send e-mail to CompuServe or AOL from
internet. For example, to send e-mail to Mac's Place, use the address
76635.660@compuserve.com (CompuServe) or MacsPlace@aol.com (AOL).
Tony Huang
Date: 14 Mar 1993 18:56:13GMT
From: "Alun J. Carr" <AJCARR%ollamh.ucd.ie@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Centris built-in Ethernet connection (Q)
I recently took delivery of a shiny new Centris 650 8/500 (which I'm not
typing this on for reasons which will become apparent), and it has an RJ45
connector on the back, which I understand is a built-in Ethernet connection
\`a la Quadra. The College Microstore from whom I purchased the above beast
tell me that I shouldn't buy the Apple RJ45->thin co-ax adapter for this,
but that I should buy an Asant\'e NuBus card instead. They tell me that this
is because (i) Apple don't know anything about Ethernet connections (which I
find a mite hard to believe) and (ii) NCSA/BYU Telnet 2.5 doesn't have a
driver for these inbuilt connections (though I would have thought that
there'd be a few Quadras at the NCSA, of all places!).
Does anybody have any good/bad experiences of using these inbuilt
connections? Would a NuBus card be any better (a colleague and myself have
had bad experiences with Asant\'e products in the past---like his SE with an
Asant\'e card in it refuses to talk to his serial DeskWriter C when
networking is turned on)? Do I have to buy a copy of MacTCP 1.1.1 to use the
inbuilt connection with NCSA/BYU Telnet? Should I have kept the Microstore
happy and bought a 486 (urgh, yech, retch...)?
Please respond direct, and if I get a suitable number of responses I'll
produce a summary.
Thanks, everybody.
Snail: Dr Alun J. Carr Phone: +353-1-7061989
Mechanical Engineering Dept. +353-1-2693244 x1989
University College Dublin Fax: +353-1-7061756
Belfield +353-1-2830534
Dublin 4 Internet: ajcarr@ollamh.ucd.ie
Ireland ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie
Date: 15 Mar 1993 09:05:53 +0100 (MET)
From: HANS KROEGER <KROEGER@dornier.de>
Subject: Communications Package with Recording Capabilities (Q)
Hi Netters,
does anybody know of a communications package which combines the
recording/scripting capabilities of White Knight or Microphone with the
Ethernet connectivity of Pathworks or VersatermPro.
Currently I am using White Knight to connect my Mac through an RS-232
interface with our VMS_VAX. This allows me to use the recording/scripting
capabilities to create all kinds of macros which log me into various
Internet sites by the push of a button.
However I am using only the terminal emulation features of White Knight. For
file transfers between the VMS_VAX and the Mac I am using AppleShare and my
AppleTalk/Ethernet connection to mount the VMS_VAX volume on the desktop of
my Mac and then transfer files with drag and drop. I have Pathworks installed
but I use it only as a backup. I control the VMS MailUtility through the
terminal emulation. I believe this is a very quick and efficient method to
work with.
There is a tendency of Mac owners on our LAN to use Pathworks (only) to
connect there Mac to the VMS_VAX. I get frequent questions from these people
how they could add the recording/scripting capabilities without the need of
adding White Knight and a serial interface.
Are there any recording/scripting tools which can be run "on top" of a
terminal emulation like Pathworks ? Would Quickkeys offer this function ?
Is Quickkeys too complicated for everiday use ? What happened to AppleScript?
Would AppleScript offer recording capabilities?
Does anybody know of a communications package with a VT100 terminal emulation
which combines recording/scripting capabilities with Ethernet connectivity ?
Available protocols on the VMS_VAX are TCP/IP, DECnet, AppleTalk, LAT....
Your help is appreciated !
Hans Kroeger
Yes I did read comp-sys-mac-comm-faq !
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 10:46:19 -0500
From: tonyh@msc2.msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang)
Subject: Compatibility CDEV (A)
>Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 17:30:36 PST
>From: bylsma@unixg.ubc.ca (Dieder B.)
>Subject: Compatibility CDEV
>I have a friend with a Centris 610 who cannot get the 'compatibility' cdev
>to work appropriately. He says that has read the instructions, but, it just
>don't wanna work. I would suspect it is because the Compatibility cdev is
>not recognizing the machine as a Quadra, it doesn't work. Any work arounds?
>Or are we approaching this from a completely wrong perspective?
Compatibility INIT 2.2 (the version available online) is incompatible with
System 7.1. The lastest version is 3.2. However, Alysis charges $99 for it.
It's probably not worth it if you only have a few '040-cache incompatible
programs. Just upgrade those programs - they'll run much faster with cache
Tony Huang
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 1:02:35 -0800 (PST)
Deider Bylsma asks:
>I have a friend with a Centris 610 who cannot get the 'compatibility' cdev
>to work appropriately. He says that has read the instructions, but, it just
>don't wanna work. I would suspect it is because the Compatibility cdev is
>not recognizing the machine as a Quadra, it doesn't work. Any work >arounds?
>Or are we approaching this from a completely wrong perspective?
>Thanks for any help.
I too am having similar problems. I purchased a Quadra 800 several weeks ago,
and have some old programs that will not work with the Cache on. I too tried
to use Alysis's Compatibility init. It does not crash, gives no warning, it
just seems to have no effect. I called Alysis, and found out that there are
newer versions out than version 2.2, the one on Sumex, and a new version soon
to be released would work with the new machines.
But... The new version would not be distibuted on the network for trial, and
would cost about $100.
That is a bit steep for what seems to be a simple program. Does anyone know
any other packages that will turn on and off the Cache on the fly, and does
cost as much?
Thanks for your help,
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 11:19:04 CST
From: judith@utig.ig.utexas.edu (Judith Haller)
Subject: Controlling Paragraph placing in Word (A)
>I have a form letter that fits onto less than half a page. I want to fit.two
>>copies onto the one page, and be able to cut them neatly into two
>equal size separate pieces...
>... I can fit two copies on the page successfully.
>The problem I have is positioning the second copy precisely so that it starts
>just below the halfway point on the page.....
One easy solution, assuming you are using Word 4 or 5, is to use the Tables
feature. Since you can merge INTO a table cell, I suggest that you create
a table one cell wide and two cells long (i.e., one column, two rows).
Under the Cells (Word 4) or Table Cells (Word 5) command, fix the row
height of the cells to be EXACTLY the number of inches you need each form
to be. To get a fixed row height in Word 4, type a negative number in the
Minimum Row Height Box, e.g., -4 in. In Word 5, just choose "Exactly" from
the popup menu and type in the inches.
Paste the form letter into each cell. Include your <<data filename>> marker
inside the first cell and your <<next>> marker inside the second cell.
Each form will wrap within the cell as you merge, but NOT reposition the
cell or the paragraphs in the form below it. Even if the upper form
overflows with merged data, the second cell will stay fixed.
Good Luck!
Judith Haller
Institute for Geophysics, Univ TX Austin
Date: 15 Mar 1993 08:59:17 -0600 (CST)
From: "John A." <ANTOLAK%RADPH6.DECNET@relay.the.net>
Subject: Controlling Paragraph placing in Word (R)
Andy Law asks:
>There must be someway (or kludge) to tell the bl**dy thing to start a
>paragraph at one point and then follow on with the rest, isn't there?
You need to select *ALL* of the second copy of the letter and position
the frame to just below the half way point. Unfortunately, there is no
such thing as a vertical tab in Word (if there is, I would like to know
about it).
Hope this helps. John A.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 15:30:46 +0100 (WET)
From: GIACANELLI@bologna.infn.it
Subject: Copyright problem
Here's a little copyright problem:
Is it allowed to a non-professional programmer to produce FREEWARE or
SHAREWARE including some PICT or animation or sound under
I mean: may I write a Hypercard stack about, say, rock music where you can
click icons and ear some famous song (or parts of them)? May I use
some .gif files taken from, say, StarTrek to make a QuickTime animation?
How is the law about distributing this software via e-mail or FTP sites?
Federico Giacanelli
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 14:56:15 -0700
From: Bruce Carter <bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu>
Subject: Disappearing font in IIg?
Is there a way for the Zapf Dingbats font to disappear from a LaserWriter
All of a sudden, our IIg printer in Graphic Arts has decided it doesn't have
Zapf Dingbats. The Graphics manager is frantic. Printing a list of the fonts
available does not show it, and when printing a document it always gives the
message that it is using the screen font because a printer font is not
I thought Dingbats was one of the fonts that was burned into the IIg? Help!
Date: 15 Mar 1993 00:48:30 -0600 (CST)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: Diskcopy
I find myself in agreement with the fellow who said (with gentle sarcasm),
"Silly me. And here all along I've been happily using 'the worst software
ever written' and didn't know I should be outraged."
adorfman@cs.tufts.edu (2d Lt Avram Dorfman) asks, "Why does anybody use
DiskCopy at all?" The answer is not complicated:
1. It works just fine for me.
2. I have only one floppy drive, so copying from floppy to floppy
is awkward if I don't use DiskCopy.
I downloaded DiskDup+ and tried it out. It looks okay, but some of the best
features (like the ability to copy from/to disks of different size) are not
available to you unless you pay the shareware fee, and the darn thing costs
$30. I pay my shareware fees, if I use the software, but that is too much
for a piece of software that I'm only going to use a couple times a month.
It's already off my hard disk.
William Porter / University of Houston
BTW, if you think DiskCopy has interface problems, you haven't seen Instant
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 19:20:25 GMT
From: hshubs@cis.umassd.edu (Howard S Shubs)
Subject: DiskCopy
In digest <9303150557.AA27559@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>In a previous issue, Arvid Burns <aburns@plains.NoDak.edu> says:
[griping about Apple DiskCopy deleted]
>>Silly Me. I have been using this program effectively and often for
>>quite some time. It's a good thing I didn't have to pay for it cuz
>>now I'll have to stop using it. I wouldn't want to be seen using
>>"perhaps the worst program that was ever written".
>>Nothing personal, but complaining about having to know when
>>DiskCopy allows you to put a disk in is pretty trivial.
>Actually, he's right, if perhaps for the wrong reason. Apple's DiskCopy
>DOES qualify as one of the the worst programs ever written (at least for a
>Mac). Just ask the people over in the Usenet group
>'comp.sys.amiga.emulations'. It's notoriety has earned it a permanant place
>in that group's FAQ file. (A dubious distinction at best.)
>DiskCopy is one of a very few programs currently known that do not run
>reliably on a non-standard mac, like an emulator, or a mac with a non-apple
>drive. Not only does it not work, but it isn't capable of telling you in
>advance that it doesn't work with your hardware. It's method of telling
>that it has failed is to bomb.
>It violates Apple's own guidelines by directly accessing hardware that it
>assumes exists.
They never promised to run on anything other than a Macintosh. As it runs
on a Macintosh, they're doing just fine. I don't consider an emulator to
be a Mac, as it's -not-.
>[You think an *Apple* program whose purpose is to copy disks at or below the
> sector level should be blamed for not running on an *emulator*? I doubt
> are weeping at this news in Cupertino. -Bill]
Yup. I figure that DiskCopy has carnel (kernel?) knowledge of floppy drives.
Howard S Shubs hshubs@bix.com For to win 100 victories in 100
The Denim Adept hshubs@cis.umassd.edu battles is not the acme of skill.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 18:23 EDT
From: "Get Brett Weir, I said." <JOHNSOSQ@bcvms.bc.edu>
Subject: Disklight & HP DeskwriterC 500 Conflict (Q)
We recently purchased an HP DesckwriterC 500 and have been using
it on a Mac IIsi (Sys 7.0.1). At first, every time you tried to print,
the Mac would "freeze up". Turning off the extensions corrected this
problem. Finally, after dredging through the control panels and extensions
using Extensions Manager, we found that the likely culprit was Disklight.
Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a new version of Disklight?
Send responses to: JOHNSOSQ@BCVMS.BC.EDU
Sean Johnson
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 93 09:52:48 EST
From: Dr. G. Paul Savage <paul.savage@carbon.chem.csiro.au>
Subject: drag & drop unbinhexer?
Dear mac community,
I am often sent binhexed files through email and I was wondering if there is a
drag & drop utility to unbinhex files? I am aware of the excellent application
"Downline" and I know just about every compression program will decode binhex
but I'm looking for a quick drag & drop utility to avoid having to fire up an
application every time I need to do a quick binhex decode.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 09:00:42 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: E Mail order
In Regards to your letter <199303150604.AA16964@nwnexus.wa.com>:
> Can I order software through mail order houses via email? I obviously don't
> want them to send me the products by email--FedEx is fine--I just want to
> in my order and Visa Card # via email. Has anyone any experience of this?
I know Mac's Place accepts some orders via email on their CompuServe
account, but I don't know of any others that do. It's a bit surprising,
I think. I don't know the details currently, but a friend of mine
runs Mac's Place's QuickMail/CIS gateway, so I'll ask him.
cheers ... -Adam
Date: 15 Mar 1993 10:17:15 -0500 (EST)
From: "W. McCarthy" <MCCARTHY@CUA.EDU>
Subject: error -192 on PB180
I noticed someone else coming up with error -192 ("resource not found") back
issue #50, but never noticed a reply to the query. I'm experiencing something
similar, and would like to know the cause. I've a PB 180 which, if left idle
and with the Finder in the front, after a short while (usually under an hour,
insofar as I can tell [I don't usually sit there and watch for it]) announces
the advent of the error, forcing me to rebuid the desktop to regain control.
Seems that, as long as the Finder is _not_ left in front, this does not
Any ideas about what could be causing this, folks?
bill mcc
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 10:26:58 -0600
From: oehler@picard.cs.wisc.edu (Wonko the Sane)
Subject: finding a mac person on CompuServe...
Can it be done? Can a person on Compuserve or AOL be looked up? I'm getting
used to Unix finger! If anyone knows a way of finding someone's address for
CIS or AOL, please let me know.
Eric Oehler
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 12:06:16 MST
From: Stephen Nesbitt <oapsn@msu.oscs.montana.edu>
Subject: FTP Site for Prograph
I'm looking for an anonymous ftp site or discussion
group for TGS Systems Prograph development system.
Please send leads to me directly.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 15:53:13 PST
From: root@lyra.hac.com (Dave Fisher)
Subject: Grey-Scale Print driver for Personal Laserwriter LS (Q)
Does anyone know of a greyscale print driver for the Personal
LaserWriter LS? Being a quickdraw printer, not postscript, it
occured to me that such a thing should be possible, in the same
way as the new Stylewriter II printer driver. (Which works for
both the SWII and original Stylewriter.)
Dave Fisher fisher@lyra.hac.com
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 15:52 N
From: <MONNARDJ%CFRUNI51.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: IIfx too slow (Q)
I have a very strange problem with my Mac IIfx:
After having had so many troubles with my hard disk that the logic board
had to be replaced (it was probably a failure in the SCSI controller,
since replacing the hard disk didn't help!), I noticed that a compile
cycle with MPW which took 3 minutes before now takes 5 minutes!
I checked with Speedometer and the results of all tests show that my Mac
runs about 40% slower than a similar IIfx, except for the hard disk,
which is fine (two colleagues of mine have exactly the same machines, so
I could also compare with their results). For instance, the CPU has an
index of 4.8; whereas the figure found both on my.friends' Macs and in a
Speedometer report is 11.
So what's going on in there? Our hardware specialist tested my Mac with a
program named MacTest Pro and found nothing wrong. What should we check
now? Has anybody encountered a similar problem?
The configuration is a Mac IIfx with an 80MB internal HD, a two-page
display with an Apple 4bit video card. It runs with System 7.0.1 and
Tune-Up 1.1.1, with 24-bit addressing (the tests on the other Macs were
done with the same configuration, so the problem will not be solved by
switching to 32-bit mode. Besides, before the logic board replacement, my
machine was running much faster in 24-bit mode). Of course, I did the
tests with all extensions off, only Speedometer running (even no
Finder!), no virtual memory, minimal or bigger disk cache, etc, to no
Please reply directly to me. Thanks.
Jacques Monnard
Institute for Automation, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Date: 15 Mar 93 11:23:00 CST
From: "JOHN S. CONRADER" <CONRADERJ@h8700a.boeing.com>
Subject: IIsi accelerators?
I am interested in speeding up my IIsi. Is there anywhere I can find
info about low cost accellerators/cache/fpu boards?
Thanks for the help.
I dont subscribe so email direct.
-John :)
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 93 14:22:45 EST
From: Rich Caccavale <HBLAD124%UCONNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: II vx >> Centris 650
---------------------------Original message----------------------------
Does anyone know if the upgrade from a II vx to a centris 650 solves the
16 bit databus problem? In other words, is it a full logic board replacement
or a microprocessor upgrade? I am trying to afford a Centris 610 or a II vx
in the near future, but I would also like upgradeability. If the II vx can
become a full 650, then it seems that it is more upgradeable than a 610.
As far as I can see, if the upgrade does not solve the data bus problem,
the 040 wont make a great difference. Unfortunately the 650 is out of
the question in my immediate future since I will have to live on PBJ's
for a year just to afford a II vx. All responses are appreciated and
thanks in advance.
Date: 15 Mar 1993 13:47:34 -0500 (EST)
From: "An innocent orphan in the post-modern world..."
Subject: Info on GCC SelectPress 600 Printer
We have a publications dept. that has a Mac IIci connected to a
LaserWriter IIg running Sys.7, Quark X-press,Aldus PageMaker,
Aldus Free-Hand and Adobe Illustrator.
While thumbing thru a catalog, they came accross an add for a
GCC SelectPress 600 printer.
It seems to fit their bill. Does anyone have any insights/opinions
on the GCC Technologies SelectPress 600 network printer?
I seem to remember
reading a few years ago about GCC making lower priced/good performing
laser printers, but I ahven't been able to read the trade mags much
If no one has any personal experiences or insights into GCC printers
(the select 600 in particular), can anyone point me to any recent
article in MacWorld, MacWeek, etc, ??
If you could respond to me directly I will gladly and promptly
summarize back to the list. My address is:
Thanks in advance for any assistance...
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 09:17:28 EST
From: Clinton Collins <BEBRF14@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu>
Subject: Integrated Software (C)
Question> I also am recommending Microsoft Works as their first
Question> software purchase, because it has a word processor and a
Question> spreadsheet built-in. Does anyone suggest other software as
Question> more appropriate for novice users?
I vote for ClarisWorks. Keep the mac a MFZ.
MFZ= Microsoft Free Zone.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 15:42:25 MST
From: sharmony@nova.ta52.lanl.gov (Stephen C. Harmony)
Subject: Intolerably slow HP DeskWriter printing in Texture (A)
> I have a problem on HP Desk Writer printing. When I use the HP Desk
> Writer to print the typesetted files of Textures, the printing speed is
> very very slow. The estimated average printing speed is about 5-6
> min/page. Undoubtedly, this printing speed makes my thesis printing
> (about 150 pages) an awful job. I find that the printer driver (DW 3.1)
> spends much time on "spooling to disk" process. I don't know why this
> process takes such a long time. Is this problem caused by the slow CPU
> speed of my LC II (with FPU emulator)? Is it useful if I use a FPU to
> accelerate the processing speed? I hope someone can help me out. Thanks
> in advance.
I suspect this is a problem with Textures. I have helped Tex users here try
to struggle with Textures, but have never used it extensively myself, never
having been a big Tex jock. Any way, the biggest problem I've seen with
Textures is that it uses bit-mapped fonts exclusively, ignoring the
PostScript that helped put the Mac at the forefront of desktop publishing.
Look at the massive collection of fonts you've installed in Textures, and
you'll see lots of giant point sizes that are 4x multiples of normally used
sizes. This is for translating the 72 dpi of Mac screen fonts to the 300
dpi used by laser printers and, I think, the Desk Writer. My experience
with printing Textures files was that it was slow on LaserWriters, so I can
imagine how slow it is with the Desk Writer. Your 5-6 min/page seems about
You may want to check out OzTex, a free Tex system created for the Mac by
our friends in Australia (AKA Oz to the locals). My Tex-using friends have
all converted to OzTex and like it much better than Textures.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 17:47:35 GMT
From: k.nakano@ic.ac.uk
Subject: LCIII upgrade or LC+accelerater ? (Q)
LCIII upgrade or LC(LCII)+accelerater ? (Q)
Dear Sir/Madam
I am currently a LC user and I plan to upgrade my LC.
Because of LCIII's release there will be two way for upgrading.
One is upgrading to LCIII and the other is to install an accelerater like
I believe that for applications PowerCashe 40MHz + FPU should be
faster than LCIII+FPU and the PowerCashe can be cheaper than the
upgrading cost of LCIII. However I am not sure whether
LC+PowerCashe 40MHz can speed up finder operations like changing
display style of files, openning folders, memory access speed and so
on, because LCIII has 32bits data bus.
If you know anything about the advantages of 32bits bus of LCIII
please let me know. And please tell me your opinion which, LCIII UG or
LC+PC40, is the better choice.
I don't need more than 10MB RAM, then memory expansion difference is
not a serious problem for me.
Please reply to my E-mail address below.
Thanks in advance,
Kimiaki Nakano
Imperial College, UK
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 10:28:00 EST
From: Alanpri%USCN.BITNET@uga.cc.uga.edu
Subject: Looking for Lists
Please post the below message on
INFO-MAC. Send any replies directly
to me as I am not a member of the
INFO-MAC list. THANKS, Alan Pridemore.
*********** Begin Message **************
I am looking for a discussion list
for the Excel spreadsheet application.
I have subscribed to the Excel Developers
Mailing List at <clay=xldev@cs.cmu.edu>
but this list is down indefinitely.
Also looking for lists discussing
Relational Database Management Systems
like 4th Dimension and FoxPro.
And along these lines, any lists
discussing Client/Server software.
These lists should be Mac oriented but
can include PC's.
I HAVE LOOKED on Kocac's list and the
SRI List of Lists plus some gophering,
but have not found lists this specific.
I am already subscribed to SOFT-REVU.
Please respond, I am running out of
sources to search.
THANKS, alan pridemore
Greenblatt Library
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA 30904
Send responses to me at:
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 20:17:55 ITA
From: maurizio lana <LANA%ITOCSIVM.CSI.IT@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: no way for macros in Word 5.x?
Here in my Dept. I use Word 5.1.
I find it very annoying not being able to do/register/compose any macros, what
is on the contrary very easy in Word for Windows 2.0 (yes, from this side WfW
s better than Word 5).
Consider this: i must do substitution 1, then substitution 2, then
three on selected lines of a given text. Apart from selecting the text I
every time, open the susbstitution box, write content 1, click substitute,
ck on to OK when "end of selection appears"!!!, then write content of subst.
then click on to OK when "end of..."; ... well I save you the whole story.
In WfW I register all these actions, assign them to a shortcut, and everything
is reduced to: selecting text, type the shortcut.
Am I missing some important feature of Word 5.1?
BTW: the best conversion from Word 5.x and WfW 2.0 (and vice versa) is RTF:
it preserves also the styles!!
CISI - Universita' di Torino - V. S. Ottavio 20 - 10124 Torino Italy
Date: 15 Mar 1993 09:10:36 +0100 (MET)
From: HANS KROEGER <KROEGER@dornier.de>
Subject: Pathworks compatible with System 7.1 ? (Q)
Question: Is Pathworks for Macintosh V1.1 compatible with SYSTEM 7.1 ?
Thanks for your help!
Hans Kroeger
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 14:20:11 EST
From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>
Subject: Paw-paw problems (C)
Yes, I too am among those having difficulty (i.e., impossibility) using the
paw paw module on After Dark 2.0x, 7.1, Classic. I didn't try the demo
mode but when I tried to run the module I had a black screen once and the
computer crashed the second time.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 09:47:00 -0500
From: jspielbe@acunix.wheatonma.edu (Jennifer Spielberger)
Subject: printing problems
Lisa Besko wrote in response to Drew Pommet question about printing from a
Mac to Unix queues...
>We use PacerShare which is on one of our ULTRIX boxes (DEC UNIX). This lets
>us mount Unix volumes on a Mac and printer queues can be setup on the Unix
>>that are visable to Mac's via the Chooser. It works rather well, it's a
>little >slow but it's more dependable than the queues we have set up in
>PacerShare might be from DEC but I'm not positive.
PacerShare, as well as a number of other related products, is available
>From Pacer Software. Contact them by:
Phone (East Coast): 508-898-3300
Phone (West Coast): 619-454-0565
Internet: support@pacersoft.com
Jennifer Spielberger
Wheaton College
Norton, MA
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 12:26:23 GMT
From: L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk
Subject: Problems with DART
I attempted to create some disks from diskcopy disk images using DART 1.5,
to find that DART claimed that there was an 'error -39' and couldn't create
I dug out a copy of diskcopy 4.2, which worked fine, so there's abug in DART.
Does anyone know of a later version of DART that may fix my problem? I believe
there is a 1.5.1 version floating around, but I can't find it anywhere. A
binhexed emailed file would be greatly appreciated...
Lloyd Wood
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 16:35:23 +1000
From: c.mclaughlin@uws.edu.au (Colin McLaughlin)
Subject: RE Paw-paw After Dark module
I also had problems with this module. It freezes then crashes my IIci in
Colin McLaughlin
University of Western Sydney
Booloobidja Aboriginal Education Centre
61 2 772 9415 PHONE 61 2 792 3747 FAX
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 10:54:07 CET
From: frank goossens <FGOOSSENS%SARA.NL@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: SANE
I have an LC, running System 7.0.1 with Tune-up.
Where can I obtain the OMEGA SANE patch?
I looked in any of the 7 systems, and I could not find the pack 4 & 5
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 15:42:44 EST
From: Paul Henderson <HENDERS@watdcs.UWaterloo.ca>
Subject: SE/Ethernet/Telnet Problems (A)
We had a problem printing to a CAP printer via EtherTalk, (but only
>From a Mac SE - other Macs on the network had no problem) and
discovered that as soon as I removed A/ROSE (from the Extensions
folder), the problem went away. I don't know what A/ROSE is/does, but
it is on the installation disks.
Date: 15 Mar 1993 09:09:49 +0100 (MET)
From: HANS KROEGER <KROEGER@dornier.de>
Subject: Start up problems (Q)
The following strange thing happens now and then with my PB180:
I am working for a couple of hours with the AC adapter being connected.
Then I shut down the PB and disconnect the AC adapter. I move the whole
thing to a different room and reconnect the AC adapter, first to the mains,
then to the PB 180. Occasionaly there is a strange sound like arcing inside
the PB at the very moment when inserting the plug into the socket.
If I try to start the PB 180 it will not, not at that time, nor on the
next day. I have to push the little reset button before I can start the PB
I got a new AC adapter from the dealer, same problem.
Anyone experiencing similar problems ?
Hans Kroeger
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 11:04:46 -500 (EST)
From: Chip Benowitz <chip@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu>
Subject: Swiss Army Knife Awards
/* Chip's Swiss Army Knife Awards (tm) - Copyright (c)1993 Chip Benowitz */
Action Game...........................Maelstrom.........................(4)
Anti Clutter Enhancement..............WindowShade.......................(1)
Application Launching.................HandOff II........................(1)
Application Switching.................ProSwitch.........................(2)
BackUp Software.......................Retrospect........................(1)
Balloon Help Implement................Eudora............................(1)
C Compiler............................THINK C...........................(5)
Compression/Encryption................Compact Pro.......................(9)
+.....................................Stuffit Deluxe....................(2)
Developement Environment..............Mac Common Lisp...................(1)
Dialog Shortcuts......................Escapade..........................(1)
+.....................................Super Boomerang...................(1)
Disk Index Manager....................FileList+.........................(1)
Disk Optimizer........................DiskExpress II....................(1)
Downloading Client....................Fetch.............................(1)
Downloading Tool......................DownLine..........................(3)
Drag & Drop Manager...................LaunchPad.........................(1)
Electronic Mail Client................Eudora............................(4)
Expansion (archive)...................Stuffit Expander..................(4)
+.....................................Magic Menu........................(1)
File Organizer........................Drop*Router.......................(1)
Finder Enhancements...................SpeedyFinder7.....................(4)
Font Viewer...........................FontClerk.........................(1)
FTP Client............................Fetch.............................(5)
Game/Virtual Reality..................Spectre...........................(2)
Hard Drive Space Saving...............SpaceSaver........................(2)
Icon Tool.............................FolderIconMaker...................(1)
Info Services Client..................TurboGopher.......................(1)
Menubar Clock.........................SuperClock........................(7)
News (UseNet) Reader..................NewsWatcher.......................(1)
Pascal Compiler.......................THINK Pascal......................(1)
Personal Info Manager.................QuickDex..........................(1)
Phonebook/Addresses...................Address Book......................(3)
Promising Prog. Language..............ProGraph..........................(3)
Ray Tracing...........................Ray Dream Designer................(2)
Remote File Management................Magnet............................(1)
Screen Saver..........................After Dark........................(1)
Screen Capture Utility................FlashIt...........................(1)
Small Launch Utility..................PowerAlias........................(1)
Source Code Editor....................Nisus.............................(1)
Spreadsheet...........................Microsoft Excel...................(1)
System Enhancements...................Now Utilities.....................(1)
+.....................................MicroPhone II.....................(1)
Telnet & tn3270 Client................Comet.............................(1)
Telnet Client.........................NCSA Telnet.......................(4)
Text Editor...........................BBEdit............................(7)
Text-Purposes Utility.................PopChar...........................(4)
+.....................................Forward Delete....................(1)
Trash Manager.........................TrashMan..........................(1)
Type/Creator Changing.................Drop*Change.......................(1)
+.....................................Get More Info.....................(1)
Unobtrusive Compression...............AutoDoubler.......................(2)
Video Capture Board...................VideoSpigot.......................(2)
Virus Detection/Removal...............Disinfectant......................(8)
Word Processor........................Microsoft Word....................(2)
/* * * * * * * * * * * * SAKA*1993 Response Form * * * * * * * * * * * */
(1) Rate the quality of how this is assembled? <good, okay, bad>
(2) How usefulness are these recommendations? <good, okay, bad>
(3) Do you use any other items due to this list? <yes, no>
(4) Do you have any new entree(s) for this list? <category> <item>
(5) Do you have more votes for existing item(s)? <category> <item>
(6) Do you have an additional idea for the list? <the idea>
{ Distribution is on the 1st and 15th of the month to UseNet and Info-Mac }
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 08:01:16 -0500
From: kiran@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (Kiran Wagle)
Subject: ThoughtPattern/Bananafish (Q)
Is Bananafish Software still around? I've called their number and left
messages on their machine twice, but they have not returned my calls. And
none of the mail-order houses seem to have ThoughtPattern 1.3. After
playing with the demo (which seems to be absent from the archive) I really
do hope they're still around.
Date: 15 Mar 1993 01:26:55 -0600 (CST)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: translators for Apple File Exchange (Q)
My copy of Apple File Exchange comes with one translator script, for
DCA-RFT/MacWrite. Are there others? Using AFE I get the impression that
it expects me to have more translators available, but I have no idea how
to get them. I poked around everywhere in ftp.apple.com and could not
find anything.
Could somebody tell me how to get more of these--or if more exist?
I plan to do some heavy-duty DOS-to-Mac-and-back file exchanging soon
and would really like to be well equipped.
Will Porter
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 11:07:05 CET
From: frank goossens <FGOOSSENS%SARA.NL@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Turbo Pascal 1.1
I use Turbo Pascal 1.1 copyright 1986,1987 of Borland International.
How can I get access to the OS trap routines from 1988 and later
(system 6.0.4 and up) in turbo 1.1.
There is no later version of Turbo Pascal for the mac. So there will
never be interfaces available for the new OS-trap routines.
I need the routine SysEnvirons declared as
Function SysEnvirons(versionRequested: INTEGER;VAR TheWorld:SysEnvrec):
It has OS-trap number #A090.
When i put the trap-number after the declaration as INLINE statement,
like with the toolbox routines, it does not work.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 13:38:03 -0500
From: Bill Gram-Reefer <wk05156@worldlink.com>
Subject: Voice mail for mac
In response to Loren Finkelstein's request for voice software that can make a
call, which appeared in the 3/15 Digest V11 #57, please not release from High
Tide Software. I handle their communications if editors want more info. Users
can contact High Tide at the number below:
Berkeley, CA -- March 1, 1993 -- High Tide Software, maker of WaterMark Voice
Mail for the Macintosh, announces it is shipping Version 1.1 of its automatic
voice messaging system to OEM modem manufacturers, distributors, system
integrators, and value added resellers (VARs). WaterMark Voice Mail 1.1
provides full-featured incoming and outgoing voice mail, including support
for a single-user mailbox, remote access, and unattended return-call
messaging. WaterMark Voice Mail 1.1 runs in the background on all Macintosh
computers using System 7 and later, with Apple's Communications ToolBox and
Sound Manager; and supports all modems using Rockwell International's
(NYSE:ROK) new RC96V24 and RCV144ACL chipsets, and ZyXEL's voice-capable
chipset used in its U-1496 family of modems.
WaterMark Voice Mail turns a Macintosh computer into a complete voice mail
and message processing center. Callers may leave recorded messages, and, when
using a Touch-tone telephone, follow easy-to-understand verbal prompts to
enter a return telephone number and best time for a call back. Users may
access and listen to recorded messages directly from the Macintosh by double-
clicking on the message icon, or remotely, by using a touch-tone phone. After
listening to a message, users can record a response on the phone that the
Macintosh will automatically send back to the callerUs number at any user-
designated time. High TideUs Insta-Return feature is ideal for personal use
or sales-driven answering services that need to streamline customer or client
All of WaterMark Voice Mails verbal prompts and messages are stored using
state-of-the-art compression techniques, and provide high-clarity on all
types of telephones. Additional features include a Calling Log that records
all incoming and outgoing calls,
a time-entry system for scheduling callbacks, a hold feature to enable
personal contact during outgoing calls, and support for non-touch-tone
telephone users, automatic retry on busy lines, and the ability to select and
save, archive, or discard message files.
"High Tide now gives modems the voice functionality Mac users really need,"
stated James MacFarlane, Marketing Manager for VisionTech, a distributor of
Rockwell- and ZyXEL-based modems to resellers across Canada. "WaterMark Voice
Mail lets your computer, modem, and phone finally work together to eliminate
everyoneUs biggest communications bottleneck---phone tag!"
"Now, in an increasingly competitive market, high-speed modem manufacturers
and service providers have an excellent opportunity to add real value to
their products," explained Michelle Miller, chief design engineer for High
Tide Software. "Support for voice mail and remote messaging is the next step
for modem vendors who want to stay ahead of the pack," she added, "and
bundling WaterMark Voice Mail for the Macintosh is an innovative and
profitable solution."
Shipping now to OEM modem manufacturers, distributors, system integrators and
VARs, WaterMark Voice Mail 1.1 comes with the software and full
documentation. Optional engineering services are available for customization
of WaterMark Voice Mail to any brandUs or chipsetUs implementation of the
voice AT command set.
Founded in 1992, High Tide Software is a privately-held start-up company
specializing in the development of advanced, telephony-based communications
software products for the Macintosh. Based in Berkeley, California, the
company is located at 2112-A McKinley Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94703, and can be
reached at (510) 704-9927.
Q end Q
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 10:36:40 CST
Subject: Western-style font (R)
David Clark writes:
>I have a friend who is looking for a western style font-such as one that
>might be in the title of a John Wayne film. Any suggestions of downloadable
>fonts would be appreciated.
I saw one in my last browse through the umich font catalog. I believe
it was called Cartwright (named after my childhood heroes, no doubt;)).
Try wuarchive.wustl.edu
Good luck,
Date: 15 Mar 1993 14:47 -0700 (MST)
From: FEDORICK@bitsy.gmcc.ab.ca
Subject: Worldscript 1 & 2
Where does one find Worldscript for 7.2 ?
Darwin Fedorick
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 18:40 EST
From: E=MC^2 <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: WriteNow sold to Wordstar
Dear Netters:
If this is true - that WriteNow is now part of Wordstar - then please tell me
what the new phone numbers are for upgrades, education, and customer service
for Wordstar. Thank you. Sincerely, ABRODY @ CLARKU
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 93 23:50:18 PST
From: schomer@mailhost.cs.pdx.edu (Matthew T. Schomer)
For the info-mac digest..........
About FILEGUARD 2.7.4:
>Our lab consists of the following Macintoshes.
> Macintosh SE / System 6.0.8
> Macintosh IIsi / System 7, Tune-up 1.1.1
> FileGuard 2.7.4 is installed on each individual workstation.
> Here's the problem. I want to protect the items on the hard disk from
> deletion,
> movement and modification. However, doing so prevents users from using the
> Trash can. If I unprotect the desktop, users can use the Trash can. I then
> protect the individual folders to prevent modification to their contents.
> However, doing so does not protect folder names or placement. In other
> although users cannot modify the contents of the folders, they can modify
> folders' names, and they can move the icons around the desktop. Is there a
> to "freeze" the icons on the hard disk without "freezing" the Trash.
> Josephine Colmenares / Fordham University
> colmenares@fordmrh1.bitnet / colmenares@rhoda.fordham.edu
I do not know how to freeze the folders from the first level, but to freeze
everything inside the folders you need to set the folder so that only the
owner (administrator) can make changes or move.Then, you need to do a 'get
on each folder and check the boxes that make everything inside the folder the
same. Save these changes,and once you have done that, they
can not move or rename the files inside each folder. They can still start, and
use the selected apps from these folders though.
I have my lab set up this way, and it works fine, except for one thing:
I have set-up my system folder so that it can not be looked at. This is what
I wanted, but found that you can still access the system file using the
'find file' feature. I am running sys.7.0.1 with tune-up. I wanted to upgrade,
to 7.1, but Fileguard will not put a freeze on ANY of my folders with
this installed, so I had to stay in 7.0.1. With this problem, people can do a
'find' for the system file and copy the contents and such. This is not a major
problem because most users do not know where the fonts are, but some do.
Before I spent $800 on the lab pack, macwarehouse told me it was DEFINATELY
compatible with system 7.1, however it is not as far as I can tell. Fileguard
is useless to me without the "look, but no change" feature. Any way around
Or should I just stay with 7.0.1?
thanks in advance,
schomer (schomer@rigel.cs.pdx.edu)
To the guy wondering if it is going to cost him $3000 to get a color machine:
Thank God Apple is dropping prices on their mid-level machines!
At my university, prices are cheap:
Color Classic : $1050.00
LCIII : $1150.00 (cpu only)
14" monitor : $ 450.00
I think this is nice for those who dont have the cash to spring for a Quaddra
I have found that the Color Classic is actually pretty fast! Even faster than
a Classic II! And the LCIII is almost as fast as a IIci. Dang!
schomer (again)
End of Info-Mac Digest